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*If funds are not needed for this couple at this time, we will distribute the funds to a different Ohel Sarala couple's treatments.
You can mail in your donations to 1755 46th Street Brooklyn, NY 11204 or call (718) 475-1357.
If the power of 1:1 prayers are so potent, how much more so if we add a layer of unified tefilah for one another?
Every week, one Ohel Sarala girl's tehillim name will be shared to all members of Unite. All Unite members will daven for the designated girl and she will daven for all the members. Ohel Sarala participants have the opportunity to sign up for a weekly pledge that will go towards that girl of the week's couple's infertility treatments, as a extra zchus .
Through this new initiative we will share through tefilos and IYH through simchas as well.
*Only girls who have given permission to be shared will be shared with all members
*If funds are not needed for this couple at this time, we will distribute the funds to a different Ohel Sarala couple's treatments.
You can mail in your donations to 1755 46th Street Brooklyn, NY 11204 or call (718) 475-1357.